Modern Alsace Knives 2021

Greetings Everyone,

It has been Way Too Long since I have done a post here! Two reasons for that, #1 is that I just have not made the time to do so. #2 because I have been focused on my work in the studio.

NOW…..With that said…..of the many styles of knives I have been creating; it’s these “Modern Alsace” builds that I appreciate so very much. What I like about them is the fact that the construct is very very strong, that they look different than many other knives out there and that their roots go deep into the history of the Alsace Reigon of France. This handle pattern has been reproduced over the years in many different countries. I have need versions from Japam, England, Italy…and now the USA, made my my own hands.

I have changed the handle style from having the full pistol-grip at the end to deleting the end portion making it look a little more modern, and also giving more opportunity for a variety of handle holds and adjustments in grip.

Please enjoy the images below, and keep an eye out on the Shop page for some of this style knife coming up in the near future.

Thanks so much for taking the time to view these images.
